Однажды, слушая музыку, я шла по городу и поймала себя на осознании того, что весь мир будто движется в такт, вибрирует четкими ритмичными волнами. Музыка помогла мне настроиться на этот общий глубинный темпоритм, увидеть и ощутить его. Синхронизировала с языком, на котором написан наш мир. Позже мне встретилось описание Майи из области индуизма — оболочки, пелены, скрывающей от нас глубинную, истинную суть мира. Наша реальность, ее физическая составляющая — это волны на пелене Майи. Образ Майи возродил в моей памяти эпизод с музыкой и волнами, проходящими через всю реальность вокруг. .WAVE — проект о том, как я вижу и ощущаю мир через музыку. Исследование волновой структуры мира и попытка ощутить ритм дыхания вселенной.

There is such a phenomenon as lucid dreaming. A dream in which you suddenly realize that you are dreaming. That there are no boundaries, prohibitions, laws of physics, and you are absolutely free — you can do anything — fly, walk through a wall, light a flame with just the power of thought. I have been seeing such dreams since childhood. And they have one side effect. You begin to realize that the real world is not real either, and everything around is an illusion, just like in a dream. In the BEYOND project I am trying to convey the state of unreality of reality. And speculate about what lies beyond — where we find ourselves when we wake up.

Children of the 21st century, lulled by the hum of megacities, are accustomed to thinking that the destiny of homo sapiens is to isolate themselves from the aggressive world of nature, subjugate it and use it as a resource. In my opinion, the imposed nativeness of the urban world is illusory and destructive for humans. In the NOWHERE project, road signs — a symbol of urban infrastructure — and natural melancholic landscapes come into contact. In contrast, new meanings of familiar objects are born, and at the same time an awareness of the fragility of the plastic world.

Mirror as a portal to another world, so much alike the real one and so much conversely. As death and life — two parts of one eternal nothing. Separated and bound forever — one implicts another. Everyone once born is doomed to die. Yet there is something that contradicst this law — its called love.